How to deal with sex crimes by lawyer Kim Young-hee, a former counsel for sex crimes
How to deal with sex crimes by lawyer Kim Young-hee, a former counsel for sex crimes

Hello, I’m Kim Young-hee, the prosecutor, the prosecutor, who is Kim Young-hee.I was responsible for investigation and trial in 2023, the prosecution of violence in 2022023 years ago.Therefore, there are many requests for legal consultation.The expectations of the request of the request of the request of the examination and judge is very familiar with the situation of the case of the case of the case of the case of the trial.Actually, my job experience and knowhow is greatly useful to lead to successful results.
Hello, I’m Kim Young-hee, the prosecutor, the prosecutor, who is Kim Young-hee.I was responsible for investigation and trial in 2023, the prosecution of violence in 2022023 years ago.Therefore, there are many requests for legal consultation.The expectations of the request of the request of the request of the examination and judge is very familiar with the situation of the case of the case of the case of the case of the trial.Actually, my job experience and knowhow is greatly useful to lead to successful results.

The need and understanding of early sex crime legal counsel taught by lawyer Kim Young-hee, a former prosecutor
1. characteristic of sex crime
Now, it is not easy to fight against this, but it is not easy to fight.In the case of the characteristics, the case of the victims and victims, most victims, most victims and victims of victims, but there are almost no objective evidence and witnesses to prove that they have no objectives.This feature is that the victim must be examined by the characteristics of the victims of the victims of the victims of the victims’s statement.Even if all the law-related cases, the problem, it seems that it is not difficult to be difficult to be responsible for damage incidents.The core of the failure of the failure is to be the ” impeachment of victims’s statement and the evidence of the victims’s statement.2. Significantly strengthen punishment for sexual violence crimesThe probability crime is the total of crime.The provisions for this is established in 1990s and increased punishment.The Act shall punishment for punishment, “Special Provisions on punishment of children, etc. of the law, such as “Actual trafficking of sexual harassment of children.”The revised law was removed in 2013 law, and punishment is also strengthened and punishment for criminal crimes committed without victims.The basic punishment and publication may be made by lightweight, and publication of the crime, and publications, and electronic foot ring attachment.3. initial responseThe crime is not necessarily responsible for crime.It is a lot of people who are often named the victim and difficult situation.As mentioned, the incident, the incident, the incident will re-configuring the incident and the incident will not be able to make mistakes in the case of the victims’ statement.However, it is difficult to have a serious psychological conditions in fear and fear.The investigator’s question is difficult to answer the investigation of the investigation, so it is almost impossible to say that the legal knowledge is poor.The first button is incorrectly, the first button will lead to the worst result.The sexual crime legal counseling stage before the police investigation is “golden time” to change the results.Many people think there are many people who think about sexual crimes.In that time, there are many cases where the case of recognition of crime = incident.Of course, the defense materials are good for the lawyer who had to hurry, but it is a good deal with a special problem.Please think that the initial law consultation is like health diagnosis, vaccination.There are no difference between police investigations and submit evidence of the police, such as guidelines and submit evidence of the police.I would like to refrain from taking a trial and refrain from taking place, so I would like to avoid the accidental consequences.Lawyer Kim Young-hee, a former “prosecutor,” has an advantage in this regard.Korea has authority to carry prosecution and prosecution in the country.This is called ” indictment exclusiveism.”The prosecution means the start of the trial as the end of the investigation.In other words, the suspect that the suspect is changed to the status of the accused of being punished by imprisonment and additional disposition.The best results of the suspect is not charged, and the prosecutor is to be treated as “un prosecution” is considered “uncharge disposition.”What is the wrong prosecution will lead to the wrong prosecution?Prosecutors are instituted to investigate the criminal case, so it will handle the incident in a completely different perspective.If the lawyer is appointed by the investigation stage, the role of evidence and opinions of the defense strategy, and the role of lawyers in this stage.It is possible to appeal to the prosecutor to appeal, so it is possible to be a case of prosecutor.Therefore, lawyers must be able to deploy the prosecution and the defense counsel, and prosecutors will be advantage of the prosecutor.I worked all the position of the suspect and the suspect, and the suspect, and fair results.Based on that experience, we will provide the most effective and trust laws and trust services.If you are considered to discuss the progress of Kim Younghee and criminal law consultation, please contact your contact network.Perform the role as partnership and communications with the partnership with the trust and communications.When I was a prosecutor, I understood both the victim and the suspect’s position and worked hard for justice and fair results.Based on that experience, I am now trying to provide the most effective and reliable legal services as a lawyer.If you are considering conducting sex crime legal counseling with lawyer Kim Young-hee, a former prosecutor, please feel free to contact us at the contact network below.Based on trust and communication, we play the role of a partner who solves problems together.Attorney Kim Young-hee’s Office 1175th floor, Seocho Jungang-ro, Seocho-gu, SeoulAttorney Kim Young-hee’s Office 1175th floor, Seocho Jungang-ro, Seocho-gu, SeoulAttorney Kim Young-hee’s Office 1175th floor, Seocho Jungang-ro, Seocho-gu, SeoulPrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next image